Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to Encourage Creativity

I could attempt to write a book on this topic. But, I will keep it short and simple today. If you struggle with your kids NOT wanting to be alone... or saying "I'm bored" all the time... you can probably blame it on TV and movies. I don't say that to sabotage the wonderful invention... I say that simply as matter of fact. Within two weeks of our cable being shut off to save finances, both my daughters stopped being bored... because they were given the TIME to learn to entertain themselves.

All children need time alone. Unfortunately, the world has convinced many that if you leave your kids alone... you are neglecting them. Society would make us think we have to entertain our children at all waking hours... or give them something else (TV) to entertain them when we cannot. Naptime anyone? Don't worry... I have been there too... and it seemed a little too idealistic to believe we could live without TV. I must say... YES... you can live without T.V. and what a better life!!!

When you see your children inventing things, creating stores, parties, cards, clubs, forts and the whole slough of other things they have the power to create... you will begin to see the value in what I am saying. They don't need to be entertained ALL the time by some outside source. They actually (and so do we mom's) have the ability to create fun for ourselves... regardless of financial means... or circumstances. Believe it or not, the pioneers had a good ole time, with making many uses out of a stick. That is not BOREDOM... that is genius. We are basically idiots if we can't make fun out of a stick or a box. (seen that book series)

Boring people are boring. Geniuses are Creative.

I, for one, am planning on raising geniuses... without the assistance of a T.V.
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1 comment:

  1. We have never met, but I am J Isom's sister. I found your blog through her's. I really enjoy all your posts. We too have been living without cable for a year now, and over the last few months have even limited videos, DVD's to one hour on Saturday mornings. There is a site I thought you might like called the Unplugged Project. Take care!!
