Monday, March 2, 2009

How to Waterproof Gloves for Snow

If you are like me... you live in a place where snow like this only happens once in a blue moon. Boy do we LOVE those blue moons!! But, because of the infrequency of such events, we are hardly prepared... adequately for long lengths of snow. Surely some of you have had a similar experience... 3o minutes getting dressed... 10 minutes outside... an hour wiping tears and doing laundry. Well, today was a new day. I was bound and determined to NOT let that happen. So, I pulled out my stash of Wal Mart bags and duct taped them to my children. Yes, Duct taped. You laugh... BUT 2 hours after dressing... they came indoors, all smiles, ready for hot cocoa. Just like the dream would illustrate. Happy days in the snow... thanks to duct tape!!
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1 comment:

  1. I really like the cold season, i usually like to play with the snow although i´m not a child anymore i remember my happy childhood and all the beutiful time that i spent with all my friends. Now when is snowing i prefer to spend my time with my boyfriend, most of all that he decided to buy viagra, we enjoy all the time.
